Category Archives: Tax

Getting social: digital marketing and financial incentives for small business

Over the past year we’ve seen a number of tax incentives on offer for small business, including a reduction in the company tax rate, an increase in the instant asset write-off threshold and, in the digital arena, the tax deductibility of expenditure on intangible assets, such as commercial websites. Never has there been a better… Continue Reading

Personal Services Income Explained

One of the most fundamental concepts in Australian taxation law is that of “substance over form”, which seeks to treat any particular arrangement based on the true nature of the arrangement, regardless of how it is labeled. Over the years, many sections of legislation have sprouted up to formalise the process of classifying arrangements correctly,… Continue Reading

New work test exemption for recent retirees

Many superannuation members are surprised to learn that Australia’s superannuation system places tight restrictions on who can make contributions after age 65.  In some instances, this knowledge can unfortunately come too late, with members over 65 being shocked to learn that they can no longer make additional super contributions to their fund after retiring. From… Continue Reading

Are you an Australian Resident?

Tax residency is a complex area where the decision is made based on individual circumstances. As the world becomes more global and interconnected, there seem to be more cases where people who have considered themselves not to be Australian residents anymore have been caught up in the net. Before you head off overseas to work… Continue Reading

Filed Under: Tax

Tax Deductions for Individuals

At this time of year, we are well into the 2018 tax return preparation season and many of you will be thinking about what tax deductions you can claim. Generally, any expenses incurred in relation to earning your income for the financial year are deductible (either immediately or over a period of time). In order… Continue Reading

Filed Under: Tax

Downsize and boost your super

If all the kids have all flown the coop and you’re left with an empty nest, it might be a good time to consider downsizing to pursue that ultimate retirement dream; fishing beside a river, surfing every morning, or getting up to that fresh country air. Your dream could be one step closer with thanks… Continue Reading

2018 Federal Government Budget

At 7:30pm tonight, Scott Morrison delivered his third budget with a forecast budget deficit of $18.2 Billion for 2017-18, $14.5 Billion for 2018-19, and a surplus of $2.2 Billion for 2019-20, $11 Billion for 2020-21 and $16.6 Billion for 2021-22. The treasurer announced that this budget is about creating a stronger economy, creating more jobs,… Continue Reading

Cash businesses on the ATO radar

Cash might be king, but the use of cash by businesses is attracting attention from the ATO. They will begin visits of selected businesses to ensure that all tax obligations are met. Third-party data and risk analysis is being used to identify the types of businesses the ATO will visit, which will not be limited… Continue Reading


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