Category Archives: Economy

2012 Federal Budget

At 7:30pm tonight, Wayne Swan delivered his 5th budget with a forecast budget surplus of $1.5 Billion for 2012-13 and $2 Billion for 2013-14. The budget deficit for 2011-12 is $44 Billion compared to the previously forecast $22 Billion deficit. The main objectives of this budget are “to share the tremendous benefits of the mining… Continue Reading

2011 Federal Budget

At 7:30pm tonight, Wayne Swan delivered his 4th budget with a forecast budget deficit of $22.6 Billion for 2011-12. The main objectives of this budget are to bring the opportunities that flow from a strong economy within reach of all Australians, and to build a more productive workforce. The budget is forecast to return to… Continue Reading

2010 Federal Budget

At 7:30pm tonight, Wayne Swan delivered his 3rd budget with a forecast budget deficit of $40.8 Billion for 2010-11. The objective of this budget is to emphasise responsible management. The budget is forecast to return to a $1 Billion surplus in 2012-13, making Australia the best performing advanced economy in the world. In addition to this, unemployment is… Continue Reading

2009 Federal Budget

At 7:30pm tonight, Wayne Swan delivered his 2nd budget with a forecast budget deficit of $57.6 Billion for 2009-10. The objective of this budget is to support jobs today by investing in the infrastructure Australia needs tomorrow. Unemployment is expected to reach 8.5% and the economy is expected to contract by 0.5% in 2009-10. Some of the changes announced include extension… Continue Reading

Tax Bonus Payment

The government today announced five key $900 one-off payments to assist in strengthening the Australian economy during a severe global recession. The three most relevant bonuses are: Tax Bonus for Working Australians This bonus is payable to Australian resident taxpayers who paid tax for the year ended 30 June 2008, after taking into account tax… Continue Reading

2008 Federal Budget

At 7:30pm tonight, Wayne Swan delivered his 1st budget with a forecast budget surplus of $21.7 Billion for 2008-09. Some of the main tax changes of the treasurer’s budget include changes to income tax for individuals, the child care tax offset, the baby bonus, the family tax benefit part B, and the 1% Medicare levy… Continue Reading


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