Cash flow is one of the most important drivers in a business. Businesses require cash flow to grow, to buy new stock in order to generate future sales, to pay expenses, to buy assets, and to distribute profits to the owners. In the current financial environment, banks are no longer lending cash easily and, therefore, it is important for businesses to manage cash flow as best as possible.
How can you manage your business’s cash flow?
The most important way of managing your cash flow is to understand the cash flow cycle of your business.
- Number of days from when stock is purchased until the stock is sold
- Number of days from when stock is sold until the customer pays for the stock
- Number of says from when stock is purchased until the business pays its supplier
By calculating and analysing the above cash flow cycle components, you may be able to identify opportunities to improve your cash flow.
What other drivers in your business effect cash flow?
- Increasing gross profit margins
- Reduce overheads
What can you do to improve your business’s cash flow?
- Negotiate longer credit terms with your suppliers
- Negotiate early payment discounts with your suppliers
- Review and change credit terms for particular customers
- Increase sales focus on customers with good payment history
- Offer discounts to customers who pay on time
- Implement a debtors management process
- Order inventory to support the sales demand so you are not over stocked
- Spread out your ordering, where possible, to spread out payments to suppliers
- Reduce pricing on obsolete or slow moving stock to convert it into cash
- Focus your selling on faster moving items
- Focus your selling on items with higher gross profit margins
- Reduce unnecessary business expenses
- Look into opportunities to increase gross profit margins
- Defer capital expenditure to times when cash flow is better
- Discuss cash flow financing opportunities with your accountant and/or bank manager
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